Boycott Towbar!!
(too old to reply)
2015-01-09 04:20:50 UTC
Sorry, but the AKC Alaskan Malamute doesn't bear that close a resemblance to
actual working sled dogs.
You AKC people must flip in your graves when you see how much variety in
type there is with real working sled dogs.
Elaine - you obviously have NO experience mushing. There's a huge
variety of sled dogs, just as there is a huge variety in loads,
distances, conditions, etc.. You can't make blanket statements about
"working sled dogs". It's ignorant. (and hasn't got a damned thing
to do with the AKC)
Lynn K.
First of all, she said that actual sledding dogs HAVE a huge variety. You should work on your reading comprehension. If any of you idiots actually cared about the damn dogs, you would be talking about THEM, not dissing each other. True Giant Mals are considered to be the "original" Malamute, before they were bred "down" to a faster size. You have no true knowledge on Malamutes. Period. It's true that there are breeders who look for profit first, and their dogs pay the price. However, there are responsible breeders existing and for you to make a lump accusation is immature and, quite frankly, ignorant. Don't support Giant Malamute breeders, that's fine, no one will miss you.
2015-01-09 04:23:02 UTC
You're a goddamn idiot.


The definition of "persecution:"



noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions

hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment, ill-treatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill-usage, discrimination, tyranny;
2015-01-09 04:24:50 UTC



noun: persecution; plural noun: persecutions

hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs.
"her family fled religious persecution"

synonyms: oppression, victimization, maltreatment, ill-treatment, mistreatment, abuse, ill-usage, discrimination, tyranny;
2016-01-09 14:12:31 UTC
Wow...several of you have alot of growing up to do. What started on comments about a kennel/breeder turned into attacking one another on this site. How sad!

I personally know this breeder and LOVE our giant malamute we got from them. People will have difference of opinion on many things and it is up to you the consumer to do your homework. If there is something you don't like ask more questions to clarify, or simply don't buy from the breeder.

For example, people name their business for different reasons. I doubt the individual who ridiculed the business name knows why it is named that way.

We personally LOVE our malate from Towbar kennels. The breeder lives in the NWT and is very particular how she looks after her dogs as well who they go home with. Not everyone should be a dog owner.

As far as the GIANT size...our dog fits that to a T. He is almost the same height as a Great Dane but thick. He is approx 150 pounds and as gentle as can be, even with my 1 year old son.

I understand everyone has different experiences and opinions. Ours was/is a good one and we are recommending others who are serious about getting this type of dog.

Those who have made rude comments about the breeder and to others...I don't care what you think or say to my post. Just know that there are bigger things in life and not everyone thinks the same as you. Happy new year to all!
2016-08-26 15:10:37 UTC
Not your decision to make. Have owned both type of mals all had happy long life's and great malamute personalities. Have had four wonderful malamutes in my life. I think should know. For you to say that because a malamute weighs 30lb more than the standard it's not a malamute is wrong. Please get a life
2018-06-19 15:26:40 UTC
OK, I have ran into a few know it all bitches that assume that a Giant Alaskan Malamute Breeder is in it for profit....GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS! My Giant Alaskan Malamute came from Towbar Kennels, he is now 2.5 years old, weighs 170 pounds and stands 35" at the withers. THERE IS NOTHING STANDARD ABOUT HIM! If i wanted a standard i would have gotten a standard. So what's this about not being accepted? Just because the CKC and AKC do not recognize the breed, they still authenticate them as purebreed and send papers for them, I think they are discriminating the breed and that is so sad. These dogs almost became extinct working for us in WWII, They protected the Inuit from Polar Bears, and lived loyal throughout our history proving this Working Dog to be ABOVE ALL OTHERS. So to say that a Giant Mal breeder is 'In it for profit' is an opinion, and opinions are like assholes, everyone's got them. Have you ever met Ruth? Have you seen how devoted and wonderful she is in breeding this AWESOME GENTLE GIANTS? Do you know how she screens her buyers before they purchase from her? Did you know she even requests proof of Vet Certificates for Spaying/Neuturing, and vaccinations? She ensures these dogs are going to proper, responsible homes. Unlike other breeds, you can't just mix this breed with other breeds. The breeders take pride in ensuring that these Giants are followed close with their bloodlines. UNLIKE OTHER BREEDS WITH IRRESPONSIBLE BREEDERS, where you got husky mixed with mal, mal with shephards, and so so on. Melissa, you should have done your research before targeting such a sweet and kind person, How dare you treat someone like this and not even know her or even where she is located. You got these other breeds that as a purebred have so many health issues, some can barely breath, and you target Giant Mals?! I have had absolutely no issues with mine while people like you warn me about health issues or hip and joint problems with this bred. Have you ever owned one? If not, then SHUT YOUR BIG FAT TRAP. You FUCKTARDS who think you know everything about this breed haven't even had any experience with this breed, so i suggest you stop giving your OPINION to happy Giant Alaskan Malamute Enthusiasts, There must be a reason we love these dogs so much and would take on any bitch on the Internet to defend them. BOYCOTT IGNORANT BITCHES!! #Melissa
2018-06-19 16:14:23 UTC
Giant dog. Sounds fine, but they are temperamentally
different, don't have the drive to do what they were bred to do and can have
serious health problems related to the cross breed.
Other than that, nothing at all.

In fact, Melissa...They are much smarter and can do far more than what they were bred to do, do you want proof? Spend an hour with one and you will surely take this comment back. I have yet to meet another Giant Mal owner who has had a Giant with these serious health problems you speak of, but i can give you a dozen at least of Standard Mal owners who have these health problems you speak of. You keep saying cross breed, when if fact this breed is protected from this cross-breeding you speak of. My boy has been to vet regularly and i have yet to hear of these issues you state, Don't target someone because you have an ignorant opinion. I hope Karma bites you in the ass, or at least a Giant Mal named Karma.
2020-07-13 16:50:35 UTC
Nothing would surprise me about these people. They are also probably a
devoted member of scams-are-us.
There is a similar kennel in Washington selling their GIANT Mals (Breeding
quality; note the omission of Show quality) for $1250. They must br crazy!!!
There are two types of breeder for each breed of dog. Show quality and not show quality. Each person gets to pick what they want. You also have scammer who sell what they claim are show quality dogs even thou they don't get judge when they are less then 3 months old.

Who is worse? A person who is clearly stating they are not selling show quality dogs for $1250 or someone who is selling show quality puppies for $4000, but none of their dogs have won best in breed.

I am not including backyard breeders. They don't care about the breed. They just want to make money just because it's easier to charge more when you say they a show quality.

Melissa why don't you talk, protest, or do something with WKC, AKC, or any other club that hands out pedigree paperwork? They need to improve how they hand out certificates, because right now it's a joke.
2020-07-13 17:02:00 UTC
Nothing would surprise me about these people. They are also probably a
devoted member of scams-are-us.
There is a similar kennel in Washington selling their GIANT Mals (Breeding
quality; note the omission of Show quality) for $1250. They must br crazy!!!
There are two types of breeders for each breed of dog. Show quality and not show quality. Each person gets to pick what they want. You also have scammers who sell what they claim are show quality dogs even thou the puppies don't get judged when they are less then 3 months old (outside of a dog show)

Who is worse? A person who is clearly stating they are not selling show quality dogs for $1250 or someone who is selling show quality puppies for $4000, but none of their dogs have won best in breed.

I am not including backyard breeders. They don't care about the breed. They just want to make money just because it's easier to charge more when you say they a show quality.

I have gone to many dog shows and it's sad to hear from the owners that their malamute isn't allowed outside because their feet might get dirty. It's a working dog! My opinion is no show quality malamute should be allowed in the ring unless he/she is ranked in pulling loads (no more clean feet).

Melissa why don't you talk, protest, or do something with WKC, AKC, or any other club that hands out pedigree paperwork for free? They need to improve how they hand out certificates, because right now it's a joke.